9 SMART Back-to-School Marketing Ideas for Realtors

There are many reasons real estate agents should get excited about back-to-school time, including getting their own kids back to class and the prospects of a busy Fall Market. But this time of year is also a great time to serve and engage their local communities.
If you haven’t already planned out your back-to-school business development and marketing plan, it’s not too late! Here are a few SMART ideas to get you started.
1. Sponsor a PTA Meeting
Search for details on the next meeting and attend to offer your sponsorship of an upcoming event. You’ll be able to brand decorations, swag, and signs for the event to build your brand as a local real estate expert while also giving them the funds to make their event a success.
2. Neighborhood Goodie Bags
Become the hero of your neighborhood by sending fun goodie bags to each door. Include fun supplies, tasty treats (don’t forget to choose allergen-free snacks!), or cool gadgets. Go the extra mile and add something for the parents. Just don’t forget to brand your gift and drop in your business card!
3. Run a School Supplies Drive
Host a fundraiser to collect school supplies. You can make it themed, like Stuff the Bus or Operation Backpack, or keep it low-key. The goal is to provide much-needed (often “required”) school supplies to classrooms while building goodwill with the community and its leaders. Once your drive is over, deliver the supplies to the local school administrator or teachers so they can discreetly distribute them to students who need them most.
4. Host a Picnic or BBQ
Invite local families, teachers, school staff, business owners, and residents to a Back-to-School picnic or BBQ. You can cater it or do it potluck style, but either way, plan to have a sign-in sheet (maybe as a drawing to win a prize) to follow up with folks after the event. Bring fun outdoor games and a portable speaker so everyone has a good time!
5. Sponsor a Sports Team
Reach out to the local school or children’s sports league and offer to sponsor a team for the upcoming season. If your kids or friend’s kids play on such a team, that’s a simple “in” to make the offer. Another option is to reach out to sports fields with sponsored banners to purchase advertising space there or sponsor a high school football halftime show.
6. Host a Bake Sale or Food Drive
School bake sales are a traditional fundraising event for many schools, so contributing treats is a great way to contribute. Baking not your thing? Sponsor a food drive or Meals on Wheels event instead.
7. Share Back-to-School Tips
In guest blog posts and social media content for local schools, organizations, and influencers, share your best back-to-school tips for kids and parents. Find out the most frequently asked questions for a local school or area and write about it.
8. Fund the Arts
Contact the school theater department and offer to sponsor a Fall play, or reach out to the musical director to sponsor an upcoming concert. Donate money or pay for a meal for the students and teachers in exchange for your ad on their program, and help them promote their event on your social media channels.
9. Highlight a Teacher
Do you have a lot of parents in your client base? Invite a teacher to share pro tips for helping students succeed on your podcast, vlog, Reel, or blog. This could be as simple as how to access their grades online or the best resources to study for SATs.